Author: admin
“He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. Is 61:3″
6 months ago tonight I lay on a cold hard hospital bed surrounded by wires, stroking the sweet soft face of my beautiful 3 year old daughter. I could only handle a few moments being there with her before the urge to flee took over and I would take a break out in the waiting area while our dear pastor Leon and his wife stayed faithfully by her side. The stench of death tickled my nostrils while all the beeping from the many machines pounded like drums in my head. They were playing soft loving songs, lullabies..songs that you sang as you lovingly held your child and rocked them to sleep, not to be heard as one lay there waiting for one’s child to die.
Here are some excerpts from my facebook post from that fateful night….
i really have no words for the pain and the giant hole in my very soul. My baby girl Abby Marie is laying in a hospital bed all full of wires and tubes and fighting for her very life. Around 11:15 i helped her get dressed in her swim suit as she wanted to go swimming with the big kids. The next moments are a blur and the horror of the day keeps replaying in my mind as I try to lay down to sleep.
Please rest they say…I can’t seem to close my eyes.
In about 2 hours (4 am CST) they plan to take her paralytic meds off and then do a brain activity test. So far they are saying there is none there, tho her heart is beating on its own. I can not tell you how awesome your prayers and support have been so far. People have come from everywhere and a group of women (1/2 I had never met) arrived at 1 am to have a prayer meeting.
My brain is jumbled but I don’t think I have ever felt such peace in the midst of such tragedy. We have repeatedly placed her into the hands of the one who gave her life and while we totally 100% that HE could really show off and do some major miracles we also know that Heaven could be so much sweeter with her there.
If you continue remembering us in your prayers, some specifics are:
**Grace, peace and supernatural strength for the moments ahead with the decisions we will be facing (we have been asked about organ donation and she is a viable candidate to gift someone with her heart at this point)
**Supernatural peace and healing of trauma for our 3 three precious ones who actually puled her out of the water and came to tell me she had (in their words) drowned.
**our continued ability to trust even when our world is crashing in around us….
Then came the morning and the moment we were dreading but waiting for, saying goodbye, which is truly more heart wrenching then can be penned with words. It is a feeling I will never ever forget and most sincerely hope God will not ask me to experience again. It makes me want to vomit just thinking of it.
The Journey
Today is yet another Monday. Some days I actually think I may not dread them quite as much as at the beginning of this, our journey of grief. I have been getting sleep now. Most nights. We are laughing again more amidst random surges of tears. We are on a journey of establishing our new normal.
I still can not walk the path to the barn with out reliving the emotions. That is one journey that will never leave my mind I am afraid. I walk it the least amount of times possible. Several times though in the last few weeks, Lowell has worked late, making it a necessity for me to take the journey, a most dreaded moment. I literally have to gather my courage, square my shoulders and allow my body to absorb the trek that follows. Mostly I have to do it at dusk, so the inevitable picture in my mind is starting to take a different shade. Grief is a very dark journey.
The Blessing of Cousins
I was blessed to grow up in a family where my parents both came from large families, Dad from 19 (yes you read that correctly…no twins, same mom and dad) and Mom came from 11. Both were of the Amish faith but since more of mom’s family stayed Amish, I ended up with more cousins on that side (close to 70) though the grand total of both sides is well over 100 first cousins. Because of the fact that my parents chose to leave the Amish faith we did not grow up knowing many of the cousins whose families stayed. We would see them every couple of years if we were lucky. A few years back that began to change. As they grew up many of the cousins also left the Amish faith, making our ability to interact on a more regular level possible. We live all over, spread from Kansas to Canada, Missouri to Pennsylvania, Iowa to South Carolina. All except for a handful of us showed up at my Grandmother’s funeral in May of this year. Reconnecting was a blast.
Anyhow, back to my photo…. A few years back my cousin John opened his home to us all and thus began the tradition of the yearly gathering of the Wagler cousins. So far there have never been even half of us show up, but the ones that do have a lot of fun. Quite a few of us have children so there are lots of happy squeals of the rambunctious 3rd generation Waglers chasing each other around the house. We sit, talk loudly and quickly in typical Wagler fashion, eat sentimental foods like Mommy’s stuffing and Pumkin Custard, and argue politics, play games, and sing lots as there are quite a few guitar and banjo players as well as singers in the group. Last year was my first time being a part of the fun and I pestered everyone to no end, gathering all sorts of groupings of people for family photos that we can treasure for years to come. I am so glad I did. My album is full of various poses and groups many including my precious Abby who had a blast with her little look alike 2nd cousin, Vidalia. We are a rowdy tribe, these cousins of mine. And while live miles apart and don’t see eye to eye on everything, most of us buy up every book we see, enjoy antiques and browsing auctions, and enjoy arguing around with our peculiar, just like us cousins.
Truly in my list of blessings, my cousins definitely make the cut!
This photo from last year was taken inside John’s beautiful home after we came in from taking our photo outside in front of an old rusty wall we all fell in love with (sadly I can’t see everyone’s faces on that set)
My Favorite Things
In many ways we are entering one of my favorite seasons of the year. Now let me clarify. I like a few days with the pretty white fluffy stuff but then I am tooooo cold and long to fly south like the birds. Overall I do enjoy the changing of seasons. With Abby’s death this summer I think I am more ready to move along into the next season and place in time and find balance in making new memories along with cherishing the old.
To me the heralding of a new season is never complete with out appropriate decoration inside my home while paying attention to God’s decoration outside my window. Somehow my decorating box has more fall and Christmas stuff in it then most of the other seasons though I do have a pretty wreath or two that I like to display for those.
Before you get all in a tizzy about me bringing up Christmas, let me remind you that we have less then 2 months till the actual day and since we always travel during the season, I feel I have the perfect reason to get started a bit earlier so I have sufficient time to enjoy all my efforts. Plus shouldn’t the birth of our amazing Savior be celebrated all year?
To get my thoughts back to the “task at hand” ~ showcasing a few of my favorite things.
I never cease to be amazed at the color in God’s world. He is such an artist.
A New Page
Since some of you don’t have face book, I wanted to share our latest update here. We have been busy trying to establish new family normals and happy times and accept what our new family structure looks like. Soon after Abby died, a beautiful young photographer, Kayla Gingerich, ( wrote me the sweetest email offering to document our new family structure in photos. She is acquainted with grief and all that goes with it as she lost her dad in a tragic hunting accident several years back. A local photographer did the same thing for her family, offering to shoot a some photos of their new normal. She shared with me how special that was for her and how she would like give us that gift if we wanted and when we were ready. At first I was too sad and didn’t know if I wanted to face the reality of having photos with no Abby in them, but as time has gone on, I find a restlessness in my spirit prompting me to feel ok and almost relieved at being “up to date” and being able to showcase that on our mantle. Saturday was the day and as the day went on it almost took my breath away at the sheer beauty. The trees are vibrant, almost on fire and the sky was a beautiful clear blue. We all wore red in honor of Abby, an idea concocted by the children. We also all wore our donate life pins, honoring the fact that we had hoped to gift families with hope (even tho it didn’t happen). We went to a neighboring town and got some amazing shots of the 5 of us. I am so excited to see them all. It wasn’t as difficult as I had imagined and flowed with an almost normal feel. The children cooperated nicely and actually smiled.
New Life
This week marks 3 months since the tragedy that took our Abby home to Jesus.
So much has happened since.
We are moving on in our “new life” as best as we can. I finally feel some days when I leave the house that we are becoming more “normal” and I don’t feel as much like I am half dressed or that I am leaving something very important at home when I drive out the lane. The children all continue in their different ways of grieving as do Lowell and I.
An up and coming photographer offered us a session to “document” in sorts our new family structure of 5. I am piecing together outfits and trying to figure out how to make it the most meaningful.
Life goes on…
We continue going through waves or phases where we question then come around again to quiet calm and peace in our souls. God continues to show himself faithful.
Of all things exciting since our pain began, the biggest WOW has been the salvation of my darling husband, Lowell. He grew up in a Christian home and had 43 years of knowledge of God and his word tucked into his head. Somehow it never quite made it to his heart. Since we have been together I have had several major times of questioning if he was truly in a relationship with Jesus. I would lay awake at night and worry that I may not see him in Heaven. I would pray, often praying that God would bring him to the end of himself so he might fully recognize his need for Savior Jesus and his love and peace. I had no idea when I prayed that prayer that it may require something of me such as the loss of my baby daughter. Even when Abby died, I had no idea how her death fit into the bigger picture, a picture that like a puzzle is slowly becoming more complete and more clear as God continues to reveal pieces for us to see.
I think it really hit him after I shared with him what Kali had told her therapist. It was in “bucket” week where Kali was shown how each of our lives are like buckets. Some of us have very little joy (represented by water) in our lives (buckets). Some are 1/2 full, some are laying on their sides with a few drops of water left, some are 3/4 full, some are bubbling over, some are empty-completely void of joy. The therapist showed Kali a page full of buckets in varying positions and asked her to point out each of her family. She tagged each one of us with buckets with some water in them in varying degrees. Lowell’s bucket however was upside down and completely dry. She voiced her concern about her daddy not having any joy in his life and how that worried her. I knew it would not go over well so I waited for the perfect timing to share this discussion with Lowell and when it came a few days later, the effect was shocking to me. He was consumed with it and so very sad. Over the next few days I sensed he was struggling but did not know why. Then one morning he called and asked me if we had plans for the evening and said he was going to go meet with our pastor Perry and talk some things over. My thought was that it was probably grief related as Perry and his wife have experienced loss as well and have walked this journey so well with us. I will never forget when he got home that night. The door opened and before I saw him I heard his light hearted whistle and could hardly believe my ears. Joy radiated from him and I marveled as we ate supper. After wards he asked if he could talk to me. As we sat, he pulled out his Bible and showed me the verse in Nehemiah where it talks about the joy of the Lord being our strength. He pointed out how Abby had been his joy and how when she died, every last ounce of joy evaporated. (I am witness to that fact!) He began seeking and realized that he didn’t have the joy of the Lord and wandered where it went. It was then that it became clear to him that you can’t loose something you never had and as he became totally immersed in this new realization he came to an honest answer that he had never actually asked Jesus to forgive his sins and move into his heart. He knew about it. It was all around him, But he had never taken the step to move head knowledge to heart acceptance. When he went to visit Pastor Perry, they actually prayed THE prayer together and his life changed at that very second!
His life has indeed been transformed. He is so excited to share what God is doing and the joy he is experiencing even in the midst of pain. He is praying and leading our family in worship of the God who is carrying us. He radiates peace. He is joyful, a characteristic I would not have been able to peg on him before. The children notice the difference in their daddy and have asked lots of questions like “mama why is daddy smiling all the time?” Through this experience, some of our questions of the why in Abby’s death are being answered. Lowell’s peace and joy bubble out because he knows now that there is no question if he can see her again. He will!
And though we grieve at the tremendous loss, Abby’s death has been instrumental in so many lost souls, including her own daddy, finding God. Does that lessen our pain? Not really. But it sure does provide splashes of joy and beauty along the path.
I don’t know what all God will do with our family or where HE will take us with our journey. The one thing that I do know is that HE doesn’t want us to be quiet about HIM and his love and the peace HE grants on a daily basis. His plan is simple. We must realize our need of HIM and his forgiveness for the sins we commit on a daily basis. Then we ask HIM to forgive us and ask him to live in our hearts and then allow his guiding presence to overtake every part of our lives. He extends his forgiveness and grace to all who seek HIM.
Some of our friends and family have gone through periods of doubt since Lowell’s radical change. They wander if they really are saved and if God is really in them. I have watched Lowell’s response to their questions and found his answer to make sense. “If you have doubts, go deal with them. You have to face them. Either make peace with God or confirm your relationship with HIM. Then you have the right to tell Satan where to get off.”
God has not given us a spirit of fear or condemnation but in the same breath, he calls us to lives of purity and holiness. His love for us is beyond any human comprehension.
Here is a favorite song of Lowell’s . I surprised him and had it played at his baptism.
Our “new life” continues with this strength. I know He sent each one of you along to walk this journey with us. For this I am so very thankful.
Kansas Family – Grief trip part 2
We are having an amazing week traveling about in Bessie (our trusty motorhome) making memories with our new family structure of 5. We had always wanted to visit 2 of my mama’s sisters and their families in Kansas and decided now was the perfect time. Time flew but I managed to snap a few photos along the way. This will be mostly for my family but you are welcome to tag along.
Before I start let me tell you about how vast my extended family is so you will understand how special time with any of them are. My daddy comes from a family of 19 children – 12 boys and 7 girls. I haven’t recently counted but I think I have 50 or 60 cousins from that side alone. My mom is number 2 of 11 -5 girls and 6 boys and a multitude of cousins numbering more then my Marner side, close to 70 I think.
If there is one thing that has been really close to my heart in the last 8 weeks it is the importance of spending time with those you love. Hence the decision to spend time with family and friends as we work through the pain we are processing.
We decided to spend one night with each aunt and they spoiled us royally. One morning they took me to visit a friend of theirs, Rebecca who lost her 18 year old daughter in a car crash one year ago this week. It was strangely comforting to sit and visit with her and watch how she is walking through her process.
Happy Birthday in Heaven
Dear precious Abby
4 years ago tonite I went in to labor on my due date with you which was a first for me. Beings you were baby number 4 I figured I could just head in and pop you out. How wrong I was. You were my longest birthing process, almost 12 hours. You were different from the very start and soon after you were born and I sat holding you I had this strange emotion come over me, just a fleeting thought but very real and scary. It was simply this, that I may not get to hold you for very many years. I wrote it off to hormones and didn’t think much more about it till that fateful night in the hospital on July 14 of this year (2 months before your birthday) when daddy told me he had the same premonition also.
You came into our lives at a spunky 7 lbs 11 oz (also Hunter’s birth weight) and took over the rule of the roost almost instantly.
Peace is not the absence of conflict, but the presence of God – unknown
How does one experience peace in the midst of complete chaos and the deepest pain one could fathom?
I used to question how one could remain calm and appear peaceable after having their life shattered by terrible tragedy or loss.
I am learning so much more about the large unseen presence that keeps one grounded when the current of constant tears, fears and doubts threaten to blow one away.
I can not explain it.
I am a worrier – always have been, probably always will be. I am constantly in a tizzy about life, especially when it comes to my babies. Even though 7 weeks ago, pure adrenalin carried me out to the cold cement where my daughter lay I did not feel terror as one might have expected. I felt an odd calm. Peace. I knew she was gone. I knew Jesus had her. Somehow that comforted me even though I cried out to him to please save her, meaning in my terms…please, please let me have her for a while yet.
He did what I asked, just not in my way.
Now before you go thinking I am all perfect and have it all together, let me put your mind at ease… be assured I do not. I still worry and fret and get really really angry (still working on that part big time!) and all that yucky stuff.
Since Abby left, my health for example has thrown some GIANT curve balls at me. We have the flu at our house right now. I am one of the lucky recipients along with several of the others. That is no fun and I keep having giant pity parties for myself. Why this now? Com-mon GOD! Give me a break…
Another thing I wasn’t expecting at my physical a couple of weeks ago was to hear my doctor say I had a lump somewhere I wasn’t supposed to have one. My little cocoon of peace kind of exploded right then and there. My kidos just lost their baby sister. Please God they really can’t lose their mommy….big worry…little or no peace.
I have been tempted to be quiet about this particular worry/fear because of it being more private in nature. I mean, lots of people have lumps that are nothing. Not everyone needs to know about mine. Ha! I can hear the sighs (ah that is so Dorothy-ish) and clicking of tongues as people ponder my insanity at blogging about things of such nature. Mine is supposedly also nothing..we just have to watch it and wait. Does that make it any less frightening? Not exactly.
But then as I ponder about how God has worked the most in me I see it is usually when I am “blunt” for Him, something that believe it or not is not always easy for this jabber mouth.
The evil one loves nothing more then for me to curl up in a corner and cower in fear.
Fear, my friends, is the greatest enemy of peace. Sometimes I fear that because I am vocal I am a bigger target for the enemy. Makes sense right? hmmm? He after all doesn’t like when we get the word out about the great God we serve. If there is one thing I keep learning though, it is simply the re-occuring phrase that keeps running through my mind…GOD IS BIGGER.
He is bigger then my fear. He is bigger then the hole the size of Texas that has taken over my heart. He is bigger then the cancer my dear friends Jan and Danielle are battling. He is bigger then financial woes and wars and rumors of wars and obama care and all the other politically charged things around that strike fear and worry in many of our hears.
That, in and of itself, is why we can experience peace even when our circumstances are less then peaceful and far from perfect and when things do not go according to our plans.
He will carry us. He is carrying me. He is the ability to put one foot in front of the other, the strength to get back to work. He is joy in the small details like figuring out what we want to do on our vacation. He is provision of prayer warriors, who like one of my favorite stories in the old testament, (Exodus 17- Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ arms when he was to tired and weak and the battle was won) lift my family and I up when we are to weak to pray on our own. He is being able to face each new day and remember that even though it is still so dark and ugly and painful to open our eyes, each moment of each day is truly a gift from HIM.
He is and will always and forever be Peace.