I am using this format as a means to say THANK YOU from the bottoms of our hearts. You all have been and continue to be such a huge strength in our journey of grief.
Author: admin
July 14, 2014 will forever be marked down in our history as the day that changed everything – literally.
It marked a new process, one that has so dramatically turned our world upside down.
Some days I feel lost. I wonder around feeling like I should be doing something but find the what to be evasive.
Some days I feel angry. If God is a God of love then why must He dish out a pain so deep it threatens our very existence? And why couldn’t he take someone who was old and had lived their life or at least taken someone who was not so loved? I mean that makes sense right? So many people live in secluded alone-ness not knowing anyone who truly loves them. We lavished love on Abby. She was our spark and kept laughter in our home. Why her?
Some days I feel nothing. I look into the mirror and the woman who stares back at me is just a shell with a vacant empty despair. I don’t know who she is. I can’t remember simple things like my passwords used to place orders or where I left my shoes. Then I feel like I am in a bad nightmare and that if I can just truly wake up then life will be right again and I won’t have a stuffy head from the constant weeping.
Some days I wonder how this process called grief really works. “O it’s just a part of it” they say. You’re reacting normally. What’s normal about grief? Absolutely nothing. My list mindset goes absolutely bonkers – there is nothing I can check off except for the fact that I took another breath that maybe didn’t hurt quite as deeply as the one before. I took another step by simply telling my feet exactly how they need to work..one in front of the other. Lowell works and it helps him cope. For me, I get irritated when people tell me I should get on with life and get back to work so I don’t have to sit around and think about this all. Quite frankly even the thought exhausts me. I am tired all the time and can barely keep up with the necessary things of daily life. It confuses me though. My clients and work have always been a joy and something I look forward to. Maybe someday normal will reign again….
Some days as I wonder around the store trying to get my bearings together, I find myself pondering if everyone knows I am in the grief process? Maybe I should wear a sign. I find myself crying as I tell total strangers how I just buried my baby. Most are wonderful and I end up with hugs which help most days.
Some days I worry about my precious very alive children and how in the world I am ever going to help them “process” correctly when I can’t even “process” myself? Alexia hasn’t touched the barbie dolls and pollypockets her and Abby always played with daily. She told me the other night “Mama, I just need Abby to come play barbie with me”. Hunter seems to be ok most of the time but recently told me that even tho I tell him it wasn’t his fault that he still thinks it is because Abby asked him for a floatie and he didn’t get it for her. Kali still can’t sleep in her bed because she shared it with Abby. Last night was the first time she didn’t cry herself to sleep in many nights. Her usual question before she drifts off is “mama why can’t we just go to Heaven too?” My main answer is usually “because God still has work for us here precious one”. In my heart, I know He does but man, this grief stuff really stinks.
Some days I wonder about what is really important and what in the world God is trying to teach me. I have always avoided the subject of death, simply finding it to morbid and not really ever focusing on it. Since spring of this year, death, terminal illness and sadness seem to envelop my small existence. My Grandmother died and tho I know she hasn’t really “been here” over the last several year and the fact is that we actually celebrated the fact that she could go on, it is still the final page of a chapter of our lives. Just a few weeks before Abby died, my dear friend Jan was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She has been a faithful prayer partner and friend. I know she is ready to see Jesus but I am irritated that it is her that has been chosen for the process. I need her yet. Why are the things most dear to me being taken away? Some days it makes me scared to love…
What ties this mumble jumble process together? God’s love. It’s as simple as that. He loved Abby so much that He knew she would be better off with him. And hey, with the condition of the world and all the dangers and evil it really seriously isn’t that bad of an idea. Some days I question how He could really love us and allow this to happen to us. But He is showing love to us left here too. He has surrounded us with praying saints who have shared with us how they wake up in the middle of the night and can’t sleep and spend that time praying…for us! He takes care of physical needs in ways that blow our minds. He also blesses us with promises of hope and the reality of the fact that we can go to be with Abby.
Our life is not a series of meaningless events that make up our existence but is carefully orchestrated and planned by God to bring glory to His name. I have always enjoyed writing and blogging but never really got anywhere with it specifically. The past 2 weeks have increased traffic to my work in ways I never dreamed. People who wouldn’t ordinarily have any connection have happened by over 50,000 times. It isn’t about me but about that work that God wants to do through Abby’s life and her death. I have a platform to share Jesus and his love. Even though some days I shake my fist at Him and scream why, I am truly awed and humbled that God chose me to be a part of the process.
Photo Journal of Abby’s funeral ~ Take 3 ~ July 19, 2014
So my sweet artsy friend Alaynna Schwartz of Playlife Photography showed up tonite with her absolutely amazing photos of Abby’s funeral. They represent so many special details of the day that said ABBY loud and clear. Each tells a story in a very personal way and leaves no need for captions. I am in love with the detail, expressions, lines, feet, people
So with our further ado…..here they are! I hope you will enjoy seeing them as much as we did the first time.
Celebrating Abby ~ a Photo Journal of her Funeral week events ~ July 19, 2014 (Group 2)
I had so many wonderful photographers show up to help us remember the moments of Abby’s celebration. Each one is taken from a bit of a different view point and each one has been equally special to us.
This grouping was taken by my dear friend, Natalie Yutzy.
She came to our home for our special perfect night of lantern lighting, an event especially for the young ones. It was reminiscent of another movie favorite of Abby’s – Tangled where there were lanterns lit each year in memory of the lost princess. It was very symbolic to us as a family of us releasing her spirit heavenward. Many family and friends gathered in our yard and we watched together and at the end sang “Safe in the Arms of Jesus”
Celebrating Abby ~ A photo journal of her funeral ~ July 19, 2014
I always thought that people who took pictures of funerals and the deceased were a little disturbed until it was our turn to bury our precious Baby, Abby Marie. She was taken away from us much to soon and all of a sudden everything in my sentimental nature decided to go against the grain and ask for some professional photographer friends of mine to preserve the moments we otherwise would probably not remember.
**** Be aware there are some photos here of her in her casket, so if that is to disturbing you may stop HERE.*****
The first series I am featuring were all taken by my dear friend, Shawna Riche. (you rock my friend! Love you!)
I have no idea but I have been told that well over a 1000 people attended the viewing which was held at our church on Friday, July 18. Looking back it was much to long a time for our exhausted state and I literally hyperventilated towards the end. Grief is exhausting and not anything you can expect to be any certain way. Our family is all responding differently. You will actually see some laughter among the tears. If it weren’t for supernatural strength from our faithful God above who gifted us with Abby for a few short years, I have no idea how we would survive.
**FYI – you can enlarge any of the photos by clicking on them
Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning….The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord…..
Confessions From a Tired Mama
I used to have a list of ideals of how people should live out the process of mothering. Now that my infertility and those crazy lists are but a dim memory far in the past I am learning more and more about the reality of mothering. ( how crazy ridiculous most of my ideals actually were AND how very judgemental I was of those hard working mommys in my world)
Most of the time I am hopelessly in love with the fact that I am actually a mommy.
But then there are those days….
I would have never thought going to the bathroom by myself would be such a big deal. I now confess that there are times when I go in, lock the door and take a longggg time just so I can read my latest Family Circle or Mary Janes’s Farm magazine in quiet. Usually at the beginning of the “time” there is much shouting and pounding on the door as if the world out side the door can not go on with out me. But as the moments pass, quiet actually sometimes happens and I get a few pages read that seemingly energize and help my perspective.
Then there are those times when the wining and seemingly constant bickering and picking on each other makes my brain spin and I now confess some of those moments send me into a state of oblivious dreaming of time far far away…(and yes, our little recent honeymoon hasn’t helped with that – it was NICE to be ALONE and it makes me wish to be closer to my mama and sisters so we could do it more often)
My reflexology and essential oils business has picked up majorly over the past months. I am busier now then I have ever been. I can not express how nice that is! I love my work and the clients who provide our grocery money but I confess it gets downright exhausting. Combine that with regular life, cultivating friendships, caring for aging family members, and the fact that I have 4 healthy lively blessings (with unending energy sources) between the ages of 3 and 8, it can look downright daunting at times. My house work suffers ( I can’t even get into my attic/storage space right now 😉 ) my kids suffer, my lover suffers. I am exhausted. Period.
Recently I began to pray about our life, my constant huffing and puffing and some behavior issues we are facing with our children. I was drawn to Matthew 11:28 where is says, “come to me all who are weary and I will give you rest”… What is rest? Is that something attainable for/granted to mommys?
When I begin to analyze I must confess I figured out the obvious, I am probably mostly to blame for my own tiredness and probably in part for the tiredness of other mamas around me. I spend way to much time worrying about what others will think of me and my mothering. I worry about how others perceive my children. I worry about the fact that I am the old one – I am almost 40 and most of my mommy friends are in their 20’s or early 30’s. (hmmm there is only one letter difference between old and odd- perhaps I will brand myself as odd instead )
Why do we as people hand out judging so freely when often like me in my infertility days I had no idea how exhausting mothering could really be? Why do we not spend more time encouraging one another in whatever tasks or places in life God has called us to, mothering or not? Like one of those days recently I opened up my fb and a friend from another state who I never see, sent me this message: “I don’t know why but I feel that the Lord wants me to tell you that you are a great mother to your children! So be encouraged and blessed by that! That’s what He thinks of you!” Needless to say, that message has a permanent place in my inbox. Not only did it arrive in God’s perfect timing but it was so right on in the exact words I needed at that moment!
I thought this veggie tales photo says it so well -what a reminder!
Legacy of a Perfect Marriage (In an imperfect world)
We just got back from a week of celebrations.
The first was that of my parent’s 40th wedding anniversary. They rented a home on our family’s favorite beach, Edisto Island, SC. All of my siblings and the grandchildren were present.
We spent time playing in the sand and the water, building sand castles and catching sharks. It was the first time my children had seen the ocean.
It was pretty much magical. It took me back to my own childhood and the many fun times my parents created for us. Their marriage wasn’t with out flaws but they showed us love and mirrored God to us in their daily lives.
Secondly Lowell and I got to spend a few days in Charleston which is where we went on our honeymoon almost 17 years ago. Our honeymoon was shortened due to me getting a horrid case of sun poisoning where I swelled up like a balloon and turned various shades of purple and pink plus I was incredibly nauseated and fevered. We left after only a day or two saying we would come back again in a few years and do a more thorough tour of the town. When the decision was made to head to Edisto we jumped on the chance to send the children home with my parents so we could indeed go back.
We spent the time touring the old town, visiting a plantation and of course going back to the one place we did get to on our honey moon ~ Patriot’s Point and the USS Yorktown. Plus we stayed at a weird B & B with a bossy European hostess (but that’s a whole other story)
Cause I love you
A few weeks ago I was pouring over some financial goals I was working on when I felt led to talk to my Father God about it. My prayer went something like this ” Dear God, I am trying to honor you with my finances. You see the bigger picture and all but I am sitting here thinking I could really use $200. You know what I really need and so I want to trust you but here is my heart…” I sat there smiling afterwards feeling oddly at peace and (shamefully) thinking yes, God could but why would He need to?
Yesterday in the middle of my afternoon sessions, the postman came to the door with a box of things I had ordered. On the top was my stack of mail, fliers, bills and a pretty yellow envelope with my name on it. I couldn’t wait till the session was over so I tore it open and guess what fell out! A check made out to me in the amount of $200! In the memo the sender had written “cause I love you”.
Now I am not trying to over spiritualize or embarrass the sender but this to me was my miracle straight from God. Not only did He answer in exactly the way I had requested He sent me a message in the memo also.
He doesn’t always answer my prayers in this way but this time He knew how very much I needed that message at that exact moment and just because not only does the sender love me but the God who created the universe loves me and enjoys blessing me with fun things.
Surprises & Miracles
I always get extra sentimental at this time of the year. This week is Kali’s birthday. All of our children are special gifts but her birthday always takes me on a trip down memory lane…bear with me if you’ve heard this before.
As a child and even as a teen when ever asked what I was going to be when I grew up, my heartfelt answer was always “I want to be a mom”. When Lowell and I got married we both assumed we would be married a year or so and then start having babies. We soon found out it was much more complicated then that. Fertility testing and endless scrutiny medically left us wondering how anyone can get pregnant as there are so many endless factors that have to be in place before conception can happen. When months turned into years and the pain of infertility slapped us in the face every where we turned we resigned ourselves to being a family of two, a fact so often mis spoken by many well meaning souls. “So when are you two gonna have a family?” AHEM, we are a family who happens to be unable to add children to the mix. We traveled on fun anniversary trips and did things we enjoyed. Mean while our friends were having babies, some of them quite rapidly and moved on into the crazy child rearing years. We weren’t there and yet we weren’t single anymore either. Where did we fit. We considered adoption. Lowell wasn’t ready to commit to that so we went on with life.
I wrote then too. I have a journal full of devotionals I wrote meant to encourage women who were in the waiting game just like me. I facilitated an infertility support group and wrote a newsletter for couples. Church was hard. Mother’s day became a huge point of torment for my tired soul. Baby dedications were huge joyous events that excluded me. When was God going to hear and answer my prayers?
We tried all the herbs and potions and relaxed (which BTW is the most ridiculous advice ever to give to someone waiting). We had every medical procedure we could afford and still we waited.
In 2005 we went out on a limb and bought a business we planned to do together till we were old and gray. About that time I was invited to a ladies meeting where much to my chagrin a very pregnant lady was to be one of the guest speakers. (yup, pregnant women were out to get me…) I sat there holding back the tears and hoping I wouldn’t have to be any where really close to her thru the whole long night. Well, God in his infinite wisdom decided to put me into the evening prayer group with none other then HER! I lost it. Being the blunt person I am I flat out told her how I felt. The next moments are a blur, but I remember her laboring to get down on her knees in front of me, 8 month pregnant belly and all and began to pray for God to heal my deep pain and grant the desires of my heart. The other women in the group were weeping with me and began to prophecy (yeah that was a bit freaky for a conservative Mennonite). One of them saw a vision of a tree that had been cut off. In each of the rings she saw green shoots coming forth. She told me she felt God was going to have me be fruitful as that tree either physically or spiritually. At this point I was kind of skeptical of prayer really working for us as many well meaning people had prayed and spoken encouraging words over us over the years. I had often promised and bargained with God that if He granted my desire that I would share the story with the world. However this time was different. I felt different. I was free. Mother’s day was a few weeks later. I went to church and didn’t feel like crying my eyes out. My friend had a baby. I took her a meal AND a big gift basket (something I had not been able to do joyfully before!) and I enjoyed myself.
In the end of July I flew to Phoenix to spend a weekend with my siblings. I vomited the whole flight. I get car sick but this was over the top. The flight attendants finally brought me a black garbage bag. As we were getting off the flight one of them sympathetically said “Honey are you sure you’re not pregnant?” to which I emphatically responded, “There is NO way”.
When I got home my tummy was still not very happy so I decided to take yet another pregnancy test. I could’ve owned stock in the company by this time and should have figured out a way to buy in bulk. Low and behold as I waited, two pink lines showed up in the spot where there was always just the lone one. I nearly fainted and quickly ran over to work to show Lowell. We were in shock. The pregnancy was amazing and scary and wonderful. I ended up with major surgery in my seventh month due to a torsioned ovary which resulted in lots of preterm labor and frightening stays in the hospital afraid we would lose our precious miracle God was finally blessing us with.
Now it was really me getting to have a pregnant belly.