Category: grief
2 years….Grieving Abby – Lessons I am learning in the process
Ahhh. Here I am once more.
I have been contemplating this post for some time and what I would share during this grief week, our time of remembering.
Because of my private fb grief blog, some of my thoughts have already been stated. There are those however that were just waiting to be spelled out here and now.
I can hardly believe we are at the 2 year mark already. 2 years of life being completely and totally turned upside down….
For you who are new here, here are a few links that I may refer to as I go. You should be able to click on them and be directed to the correct spot.
Abby’s story which was viewed nearly 35,000 times and gave me a platform I never could have had other wise to share God’s care of us, shares the details of our precious 3 year old’s end of life which happened abruptly but in God’s perfect timing on July 15, 2014.
My face book grief blog is located here. Some days I just refer to it as my personal wining space. LOL. You may ask to join at any time. There I share our family’s journey and some of the daily response to the effects of grief and how we continue trying to live…
Now on to the lessons grief has been teaching me. (ha, I’m not some expert or anything)
Lesson #1: Pain can produce positive.
“My grace is sufficient for you for my strength is made perfect in weakness”
Lesson #2: Theology can be twisted.
Lesson #3: There is no grief time table or chart to mark off in the journey. There is no wrong way to grieve…..
“And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus”
Lesson #4: My pain is not the only pain our there.
“The joy of the Lord is my strength….”
Lesson #5: Find your passion.
Lesson #6: Prayer Rocks!
“And pray in the spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests with this in mind. Be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”
I don’t know what the rest of our story looks like.
I do know we are starting to dream again.
I don’t know how the grief will continue to affect us.
I do know it will and that this life is our “new normal”.
I don’t know, some days, how we will continue to survive and flourish.
I do know God will continue to hold us in the palm of his compassionate, loving hand in the process.
As the week continues, we will continue on the path grief has taken us on. We will probably release her favorite red balloons and some chinese lanterns at some point as they will always represent her to us.
You may see creepy “dead” photos of us holding her as she took her last breaths. I never would’ve have ever thought those pics would be treasures. They represent pain in the deepest sense but also represent her flying away where she is forever safe and resting with Jesus. So thankful my sis had the mindset to take them…
I may continue down the sappy, weepy trail I’ve become so familiar with. Or joy may continue edging it’s way in.
Either way, I know I have a network, faithful friends, family and support from people who share compassion with us as we trudge along.
Thank you all for walking this journey along side us.
2008-2009…That was a hard time. The hardest I had known then.
Present for the Presents
I love a good play on words.
Well I really just love words period.
I love how much better I feel when I can simply release, get the words that are pounding on the door of my soul out into the atmosphere.
Not that they are always profound or meant to change the world. But they do. They change my world. My little corner of space. My canvas. My place…
I started this blog as a means to cherish and record the moments of my life that though seemingly small are significant in the big picture.
Then grief came. And the darkness descended on those moments and I wondered if I would ever see the beauty in them again.
It does that. That monster.
Grief changes everything.
I thought I understood it before.
Back in those infertility years when God seemed to be with holding the very thing I just knew I needed to be who He had created me to be. A mommy. I grieved the years I saw as “wasted”. That in between space where I spent hours consumed with the disillusionment I felt deep in my soul.
Then came the exhaustion of 4 babies in 4 years and the falling in love with each one as God gifted them to us. The she died. And the grief I thought I knew all about became a silly side note in the overcoming deep ocean of continuous hammering on my soul. I had loved, opening my heart to a little soul who, despite the spunky annoyances she often presented, wormed her way into the deepest crevice of my heart. My grief of yonder year was abstract, obsolete in the crashing waves of having loved.
Since then my crusade and mission has been to make the best of the mess, make lemons into sweet lemonade, see the beauty in the crap. Sorry that may sound rough and uncouth. But its there deep inside and sometimes it just comes rumbling out. I am like a broken record. I hear the sighs, the complaints, the mumble grumbling from weary mamas who think their season of hardships will never end.
The baby won’t sleep…… I wish I had a baby to sit and hold.
Diapers are so expensive. I am sure the kid will be in diapers in kindergarten…… I wish I still had someone to buy diapers for.
I can’t wait till my kid goes off to school……. I wish I still had my little someone here to bug me…
Now don’t get me wrong. I know mommy hood is among the most exhausting, frustrating yet freakishly awesome task. I know the seasons that are ever so short seem like they take years.
I am no saint. I still yell at my kids. I still need breaks and mommy time. But my perspective has revolved into something I would not have come around to had I not experienced the love/loss cycle.
I have lost track of the amount of times I have challenged mamas to go hug their children.
But that is what it boils down to.
It’s what counts. It’s being present with our children. Truly present. Sometimes that is hard. Very hard. A fellow grieving mama recently asked me if I can enjoy my remaining children. Her words struck a core deep inside. It has seemed like life is over shadowed. But we must go on living.
Not only do they, but we also deserve to live in joyful moments. Life isn’t pie in the sky. Sometimes though the deliciousness of something sweet brings the reality of joy back around.
Those moments. They aren’t always happy.
But they deserve cherishing.
They will soon be memories.
I wanna make them good ones….
So through all that rambling I get back to the whole play on words – I want to truly be present to enjoy the presence of the presents God has gifted me with.
1 year in Heaven
This week has been a roller coaster of emotion.
If there has been a silver lining to the storm clouds the past few months, it has been that we were able to refresh ourselves away from the constant reminders of her death. While we love our home, it is filled to the brim with her. We remember what she did here and what she said there and how she was silly under there. And where she died. While the flashbacks still affected each of us while we were gone, the severity and intensity wore off a bit and we can or I should say I can feel like life is maybe just a tad bit more normal. New normal.
We arrived home from Mama’s on Tuesday which in our reality is the day she left officially but of course with the calendar life goes on…Lowell and I spoke of how Mondays and Tuesdays are still THE day and will always be. Randomly we cried and laughed as we drove along in Bessie remembering her the best we can. Memory is changing. If I close my eyes, I can still feel her soft skin but her voice is fading.
Wednesday, July 15 was cloudy and dreary most all day with intermittent sprinkles reminding me of all the tears that have fallen around our parts this year. To me, I decided to let the day come as it may and to not hide away to shed my tears. We talked of her randomly through the day but it is seeming the intense emotion is beginning to dull for the children. For me, I can cry quickly but it is not so fresh that I cry all the time and the crying is done and over more quickly.
We talked of how Abby has been living with Jesus for 1 year now. At one point, one of the children asked how old Abby is now. I never know what to say for sure as the whole time thing in Heaven is so different. We wondered about if she will always be 3 or if she is getting ready to be 5.
Lex has been praying in her prayers at night that God would please give Abby a good day. I smile and let her express her heart and am glad that Abby’s reality is always good unlike our life here.
The perspective of children is always refreshing….
Our sweet friends Sara and Hannah organized a memorial for us at Abby’s grave the evening of the anniversary day. My amazing friend Shawna (She is just launching a fab photography studio shawna marie imaging that you can visit currently on facebook…head over and like her page!) was there snapping away capturing the poignant moments as 75+ of our family and friends gathered with us to remember.
Sara had gotten a gazillion balloons in shades of pink and red with special heart shaped ones for us 5. She took a pic of Abby and let the children and whoever else wanted to write a message on the backs and tied them to the balloon ribbons. Pastor Perry prayed a prayer and we sang Jesus Loves me just like we did at the funeral and then we stood and watched as they floated away.
Afterwards we all gathered in the basement and ate cookies and just plain sat and talked. It was peaceful, relaxing and fun.
Shawna put together a slide show which showcases perfectly the emotion of the evening.
We are indeed blessed to have the amazing circle of people we do to walk this road with us. Thank you for continuing to walk this path with us….All of you!
Amanda the Panda Family Grief Camp Weekend
Our family was recently privileged to be a part of a wonderful weekend put on by Amanda the Panda Family Grief Center. This wonderful organization was founded to help families deal with the loss of a child but has branched out over the years to include other loss as well. Our counselor, Miss Kendra (Imagine Therapy Solutions) had recommended this particular weekend to us months ago and we signed up right away.
As time drew closer, all of us at one point or another experienced cold feet and wondered if this was really for us. It was. And we are all so glad we went. We came away feeling like God had orchestrated so many special moments just for us!
I did not take a single photo. Special thanks to the fabulous professionals who were there to preserve the memories of the weekend!
- We will need sponsors so as much of the money as possible can go to our cause.
- We will need items such as food, drinks.
- We are still looking for musicians to do 30 minute or so mini concerts.
- We will need volunteers to staff the various events
- We still have space for vendors. I would love to see Pampered Chef, Tupperware, Wildtree and more!
- We are hoping for a photographer to capture the evening in photos.
- We need your prayers. This is much larger then us already and will take some energy to pull off.
“Living” with Grief
“He will give a crown of beauty for ashes, a joyous blessing instead of mourning, festive praise instead of despair. Is 61:3″
6 months ago tonight I lay on a cold hard hospital bed surrounded by wires, stroking the sweet soft face of my beautiful 3 year old daughter. I could only handle a few moments being there with her before the urge to flee took over and I would take a break out in the waiting area while our dear pastor Leon and his wife stayed faithfully by her side. The stench of death tickled my nostrils while all the beeping from the many machines pounded like drums in my head. They were playing soft loving songs, lullabies..songs that you sang as you lovingly held your child and rocked them to sleep, not to be heard as one lay there waiting for one’s child to die.
Here are some excerpts from my facebook post from that fateful night….
i really have no words for the pain and the giant hole in my very soul. My baby girl Abby Marie is laying in a hospital bed all full of wires and tubes and fighting for her very life. Around 11:15 i helped her get dressed in her swim suit as she wanted to go swimming with the big kids. The next moments are a blur and the horror of the day keeps replaying in my mind as I try to lay down to sleep.
Please rest they say…I can’t seem to close my eyes.
In about 2 hours (4 am CST) they plan to take her paralytic meds off and then do a brain activity test. So far they are saying there is none there, tho her heart is beating on its own. I can not tell you how awesome your prayers and support have been so far. People have come from everywhere and a group of women (1/2 I had never met) arrived at 1 am to have a prayer meeting.
My brain is jumbled but I don’t think I have ever felt such peace in the midst of such tragedy. We have repeatedly placed her into the hands of the one who gave her life and while we totally 100% that HE could really show off and do some major miracles we also know that Heaven could be so much sweeter with her there.
If you continue remembering us in your prayers, some specifics are:
**Grace, peace and supernatural strength for the moments ahead with the decisions we will be facing (we have been asked about organ donation and she is a viable candidate to gift someone with her heart at this point)
**Supernatural peace and healing of trauma for our 3 three precious ones who actually puled her out of the water and came to tell me she had (in their words) drowned.
**our continued ability to trust even when our world is crashing in around us….
Then came the morning and the moment we were dreading but waiting for, saying goodbye, which is truly more heart wrenching then can be penned with words. It is a feeling I will never ever forget and most sincerely hope God will not ask me to experience again. It makes me want to vomit just thinking of it.
The Journey
Today is yet another Monday. Some days I actually think I may not dread them quite as much as at the beginning of this, our journey of grief. I have been getting sleep now. Most nights. We are laughing again more amidst random surges of tears. We are on a journey of establishing our new normal.
I still can not walk the path to the barn with out reliving the emotions. That is one journey that will never leave my mind I am afraid. I walk it the least amount of times possible. Several times though in the last few weeks, Lowell has worked late, making it a necessity for me to take the journey, a most dreaded moment. I literally have to gather my courage, square my shoulders and allow my body to absorb the trek that follows. Mostly I have to do it at dusk, so the inevitable picture in my mind is starting to take a different shade. Grief is a very dark journey.
The Blessing of Cousins
I was blessed to grow up in a family where my parents both came from large families, Dad from 19 (yes you read that correctly…no twins, same mom and dad) and Mom came from 11. Both were of the Amish faith but since more of mom’s family stayed Amish, I ended up with more cousins on that side (close to 70) though the grand total of both sides is well over 100 first cousins. Because of the fact that my parents chose to leave the Amish faith we did not grow up knowing many of the cousins whose families stayed. We would see them every couple of years if we were lucky. A few years back that began to change. As they grew up many of the cousins also left the Amish faith, making our ability to interact on a more regular level possible. We live all over, spread from Kansas to Canada, Missouri to Pennsylvania, Iowa to South Carolina. All except for a handful of us showed up at my Grandmother’s funeral in May of this year. Reconnecting was a blast.
Anyhow, back to my photo…. A few years back my cousin John opened his home to us all and thus began the tradition of the yearly gathering of the Wagler cousins. So far there have never been even half of us show up, but the ones that do have a lot of fun. Quite a few of us have children so there are lots of happy squeals of the rambunctious 3rd generation Waglers chasing each other around the house. We sit, talk loudly and quickly in typical Wagler fashion, eat sentimental foods like Mommy’s stuffing and Pumkin Custard, and argue politics, play games, and sing lots as there are quite a few guitar and banjo players as well as singers in the group. Last year was my first time being a part of the fun and I pestered everyone to no end, gathering all sorts of groupings of people for family photos that we can treasure for years to come. I am so glad I did. My album is full of various poses and groups many including my precious Abby who had a blast with her little look alike 2nd cousin, Vidalia. We are a rowdy tribe, these cousins of mine. And while live miles apart and don’t see eye to eye on everything, most of us buy up every book we see, enjoy antiques and browsing auctions, and enjoy arguing around with our peculiar, just like us cousins.
Truly in my list of blessings, my cousins definitely make the cut!
This photo from last year was taken inside John’s beautiful home after we came in from taking our photo outside in front of an old rusty wall we all fell in love with (sadly I can’t see everyone’s faces on that set)