Before I begin, I want to emphasize:
*1. I am writing in the spirit of Proverbs 11:14 where it says “Where there is no counsel, the people fall; In the multitude of counselors there is safety”
I am hoping to spark a discussion on a subject that has been kind of taboo. It may not be an issue in every church and community but it has long been causing controversy, pain and division in my circles.
*2. I could journal privately…some say that may be better. Words can’t be unsaid. However, this post has been brewing for many months. I released it last fall, and in typical Dorothy fashion caused a stir so I took it down, prayed and edited more. SO thankful for Godly mentors who have been a part of the journey to the re- release.
*3. I am not a radical secular feminist. I believe God has distinct roles for women. He loves us and created us to bring glory to Him.
That said, I do believe that Christianity through the centuries has fueled the fires of the ugly side of radical feminism by treating women as “less than” and allowing heinous abuse to continue under the guise of “Godly” male leadership thus encouraging many groups to succumb to embracing a shame culture…
I have bumbled about in my writings and have sometimes posted what some consider to be controversial. I’ve been told I make people squirm and feel uncomfortable, like when I posted on my own blog, something very personal that happened to me in a 2014 blog, titled “The value of women in the church”. Can be found here:
The downside of what I have been told are my giftings are the facts that I can be bossy, overly dramatic, pushy…overbearing. That is not my heart.
A while back, at a roundtable discussion of a Christian organization I belonged to, the moderator read an anonymous comment from someone apparently irritated at how women were becoming “noticeable” in the workings of the group. While the discussion that emerged didn’t necessarily agree with the comment, other females in the group (myself included) began to question if we were truly stepping out of place.
This questioning brought old yuckies out of the dark closets of my being. Part of the comment questioned if women should be “allowed” to pray out loud in public settings.
Suddenly, I was back in time a few years, cheeks burning, wishing I could fall into a hole in the ground. I had just requested prayer for a female friend who was in a tough situation. As I turned to sit down, the group leader handed me the microphone and asked if I would stand in the gap and pray for my friend. (Up to that point women in that group had not been asked to pray in public so I was unsure what to do.) I stood there, hands trembling as I watched the next few seconds unfold. It seemed what I had been asked to do was not proper “politically” in that setting, but I felt God’s strength and stood ready. Soon though, amidst mumbling and convo I couldn’t catch, the microphone was snatched out of my hands and a man was praying. It was ok.. but the humiliation was enough to want to make me bury myself for a thousand years.
As I continued processing the questions, I felt hurt, devalued, a little angry maybe, and now even more unsure of my role and place in that particular group. I began praying fervently that God would help me find HIS truth.
After another sleepless night, I got up and started diligently searching the scriptures. They are packed full of tidbits of wisdom and truth and are filled with all manor of commands, to love, to exhort, to be like Jesus and how that looks. Now bear in mind that I am not a Biblical scholar by any means, though I do enjoy a good word study. This is where I came out at.
The 2 passages that have often been the basis for the role of Christian women, focus on what women can not do and from what I understand, basically refer to women not teaching or preaching to men in a church setting. 1 Corinthians 14:34 says “the women should keep silent in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be in submission, as the Law also says”. 1 Timothy 2:12 says “I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet”
There are many more instances in the Bible, especially in the New Testament where women are mentioned in a positive light/what they CAN do and showcase the fact that women were indeed involved in the early church.
In Acts 16 Lydia is mentioned as one of the first to come to Christ and upon her conversion openly used her gifting of hospitality and invited Paul, the famous missionary to stay at her home.
In Acts 18, Priscilla is mentioned along side of her husband Aquila as an example of people who actually mentored the Apostle Paul.
In Romans 16, Phoebe served as a deacon (imagine that!) and supported the work of the church through seeing the needs of the saints.
Acts 21 mentions the great evangelist, Philip and his daughters who were prophetesses (not a real quiet or perhaps socially pleasing calling…)
Women in traditional Christian settings typically serve on food and sewing committees and occasionally teach Sunday school, all of which are worthy needed parts of what makes organized church happen.
But if we are going to say that we take 1 Corinthians 14:34 literally, then are those “offices” even ok? I may sound fanatical in asking that but really…
Passages like Romans 12 speak of the many parts of the body working together to make the Body of Christ what it is. Are women not a part of the body?
Quite frankly I’m thinking my husband is NOT wishing to be more busy in the work of God’s church, but if women are to be quiet and only speak at home he may have to.
I don’t want to be guilty of pulling out scriptures and making them say what I need them to say.
I fully understand that as women (and men too) our giftings and the way God created us must be tempered with his love, grace and the constant infilling of his spirit so that things will always be done to bring HIM glory. I am trying fervently to understand what God wants women to be in his church and how that really looks?
So I write here, and as I said at the beginning, am hoping to spark discussion that will shine the light brightly on God’s truth. I thought incorrectly that when I got to the ripe old age of 40 that the Bible would be more clear and that stuff wouldn’t be so murky.
I am finding that seeking the truth is imperative to my survival as a daughter of God. As a mother of a 13 year old female who asks many of the same hard questions that I do and who mirrors in sometimes scary ways my own nature, I must find what God really says so I can help her find her foundation in Him.
There is no doubt in my mind that each and every one of us is specially designed and created with value and purpose!
I’d love to hear your thoughts!