Isaiah 43:19 – Behold I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
New things.
For me, new means change. Sometimes “new” is welcome. Like the new blooms after a long winter.

Other times “new” is difficult to process and endure. “New” can feel cold and be daunting, frightening, exhausting.

Getting a website of my own and working with more definitive purpose on following a dream, my calling of sorts, is downright terrifying.

I’ve made a million mental lists as to why I should just stay put in my nice comfortable space. They go something like this. There are already a million other writers, mommy bloggers, wanna be published authors out there. What do I have to say that’s any different? What if people don’t like what I have to say? What about the chiding and scolding I’ve already experienced that just about silenced my voice forever? What if I’m not good enough?
But then I think about God’s love and provision as our family has walked through some really dark times. I think about my health and how very sick I have been and how God has spared my very life. Reflection not only brings gratitude but it helps define purpose. My purpose. If I truly believe that I am alive, breathing, here, for purpose then what do any of my lists prove? matter?
I am ok with being writer, mommy blogger, wanna be author, number one million and one. I am good with an audience of one as long as it’s the creator of the universe who designed and created me with value and purpose. Through HIM I am good enough no matter the hurtful debilitating insults tossed my way.
I’ve been listening to Zach Williams over and over as I came to the choice to actually step out (and yes I am still learning about how to be techy in presentation of links) The song is Fear is a Liar
So as I embark on a new journey of sorts, I invite you to join me. What is God calling you to do? To be? What adventure is waiting for you?

I’m delighted that you’ve decided to do this! Your voice, your life and your perspectives are unique. There are those who need your particular viewpoint. Write on!
Thank you my dear!
Dorothy, I know about you from reading your uncle Ira’s site. Please keep writing and I will keep reading. God loves you!