I have always had my quirks, those things that make me me. I cherish the unique, the stuff that sets me apart. Sometimes it’s been simply clothing. I love my multi colored shoes from 10th grade and my black and white dress that had both stripes and polka dots on it. I derived a sense […]
Continue readingIt’s grief week…
Well folks, the time is here.That time of year when Dorothy gets all sappy and posts a million things more in addition to her usual blather.Grief week ~ year number 3. I had made big plans this year to have everything be more normal, more low key. Then death and terminal illness reared their ugly heads […]
Continue readingResting…
Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 As I scroll back through my blog, a common thread emerges. It’s that compelling “I have to write then I’ll feel better” theme. Often I have passed up the urges and still survived. LOL. However […]
Continue readingWhat if…
The past 2 1/2 years have been filled with lots of different questions and a million different emotions. I had thought that by this point in the journey that my emotional process may be different and that in some miraculous way the urges to flee from the suffocating stages of grief may have diminished. They […]
Continue readingThat kind of friend…
“Walking with a friend in the dark is better then walking alone in the light” – Helen Kellar I’ve been in one of those darker brooding times where I contemplate life and all that entails. As I sit looking I see a mix of joy and sadness. But sometimes, it seems, the sadness and big […]
Continue reading2 years….Grieving Abby – Lessons I am learning in the process
Ahhh. Here I am once more. I have been contemplating this post for some time and what I would share during this grief week, our time of remembering.Because of my private fb grief blog, some of my thoughts have already been stated. There are those however that were just waiting to be spelled out here […]
Continue readingFaithfulness
Great is the Faithfulness O God my Father… My 3rd child is 7 today. Alexia Magdalene. Named after my mother. I can not browse through the photos of her birth and the time surrounding with out a teensy bit of sad seeping through the cracks and crevices. 2008-2009…That was a hard time. The hardest […]
Continue readingFor Better of For Worse – Reflections on Marriage
Disclaimer: I in no way an expert on marriage. We as a couple, like many of you have walked thru some tough stuff (financial calamity, separation, death of a child, illness in family) and have found God faithful. I must write simply to get my racing thoughts out before my head explodes….Our history has brought […]
Continue readingPresent for the Presents
I love a good play on words. Well I really just love words period. I love how much better I feel when I can simply release, get the words that are pounding on the door of my soul out into the atmosphere. Not that they are always profound or meant to change the world. But […]
Continue reading1 year in Heaven
This week has been a roller coaster of emotion. If there has been a silver lining to the storm clouds the past few months, it has been that we were able to refresh ourselves away from the constant reminders of her death. While we love our home, it is filled to the brim with her. […]
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